I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in earnest on April 20, 2008. This blog was created to help me take better notice of all the good in the world. I give glory to God for it all.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Revelations--Day 251

Another song has been added to the playlist. I had it stuck in my head as we came in from Colton's basketball practice. As with many songs I get stuck in my head, I was repeating a couple of lines over and over:

Give me a revelation. Show me what to do.
'Cause I've been trying to find my way. I haven't got a clue.

I am trying to find my way right now, but that doesn't mean I'm lost. It's almost impossible to get lost if you know who to follow. If I take my eyes off Him though, I will certainly feel lost. I learned something important (many things actually) from Adam. He would often say "Go back to what you know." Many times when I think about that, I find myself going back to that night exactly nine months ago. Sometime between 11:10 and 11:20pm, I had a very important revelation. I went from believing in God to KNOWING He is always there, always has been, and always will be. I felt his presence in that small room. That helps reminds me He is here with me now and He is with my family while they sleep. He is with my friends. He is everywhere. I've probably written pretty much the same thing on different days, but some days it impacts me more than others.

Back to the present. Back to positivity of the present. Noah's attention span in getting longer. I read four and half books to him before he started to really show his boredom. The first was a little hard cover ABC book. We made it through that one and moved on to his fairly new Elmo book. He pushed the musical buttons at the right times, and sometimes he didn't. He just wanted to hear the noises. Either way, he listened to me read the whole thing. I had also grabbed the O, P, and Q books. Colton had the whole collection of these books memorized by the time he was four. We read to him quite a bit and it shows. He's a good reader. Noah listened to O, got restless while listening to P, and lost it halfway through Q. He enjoys answering questions throughout the books, but he didn't care anymore on the last one. It was time to find something else to do.

Colton had a collection of good grades to show me when he got home from school. That was good to see. Gabrielle struggled a bit with her homework about money, but she pushed through it and did well. Later on, Gabrielle had Girl Scouts to go to. She came home with a sock puppet. I could tell she really liked it. Kim showed me some pictures of others girls sock puppets. They were all really well done and looked like they had fun doing them. Almost as soon as she stepped in the house, it was time to go to Colton's practice. Gabrielle likes to go because she has a new friend there. Colton practiced well, hustled, and listened to his coach. That's all I can ask for. Gabrielle played with Brooke almost the whole time.

Gabrielle and I thanked God for her new friend in our prayers tonight. I really should thank Him for all the wonderful people who he has put in the path of my life.

So I will.

Dear God, thank you for revelations. Thank you for the people you use to help bring these revelations into light. Thank you for Kim, Colton, Gabrielle, Noah, Pastor Don and Lisa, Pastor Bob, Dennis and Jennifer, Adam and Keri, Jim T., Mom B, my mom, Wendy and Richard, Wendy and Dave, Jim and Cheryl, Jerry and Fran, Tracy and Lowell, Angela and Scott, Jim and Ginny, Jim Stein and Jim Priest, Brenda, Anne, all the kids at Awana, Mary, Allison, Emily, Ray and many others. I have been truly blessed by a wondrous God. Please help me remember all the things you have done for us. You sent your son to die for us. The least I can do is live for you.

In your son's name I pray,

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