I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in earnest on April 20, 2008. This blog was created to help me take better notice of all the good in the world. I give glory to God for it all.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Honored--Day 255

I've tried to watch what I say better than I used to. If you can't say something nice, say nothing at all is something we teach the kids and something we try to do ourselves. Sometimes saying something nice may seem out of place, but most of the time I realize it can't hurt. I still feel most people aren't complimented enough. Anyway, I bring this up because I momentarily paused as I was about to shake Pastor Don's hand. I had felt honored to be invited over, and as we were leaving, I felt compelled to tell him so. Is "honored" the correct word? Would that be taken seriously? I thought something like this in a span of a few seconds, and I decided that yes, it was the correct word for this situation. Whether or not he would take it seriously was not up to me. So as I shook his hand, I thanked him for the invitation, and told him it was an honor to have been able to come by their home.

I'm not a conversationalist. I never have been. Tonight went reasonably well, though. It certainly helped to have a couple there where I knew we had at least a couple things in common with. I enjoyed every minute of my time there. Rich is as funny as I guessed he would be. Wendy is as enjoyable to be around and as sweet as I remember her being in class. I got to read some of Angela's writings and I got to hear some more of Pastor Don's stories I had not heard before. Lisa is the epitome of sweetness, and they have done a great job of passing that along to the kids. The pizza was good, the desserts were good, even the kids were good. It was a really enjoyable night. We talked and we ate. We talked some more and we ate some more. We talked some more and then we played a game. We finished the game and we went to go talk some more.

In our 15 years of marriage, Kim and I have never had a circle of friends we've gone out with. We have very rarely invited others over either. If we're going to start, and we most likely will in our life group, I'm glad it's with other Christian families. Glad may not be the right word there. I am ecstatic that it's with other Christian families. Maybe ecstatic is over the top, but I get the idea.

I pray the Holliday and Dionne families continue to be blessed by Him in many ways. I pray their fellowship with others continues to be blessed and others are able to see Him in them as we do. I pray our family continues to be blessed and God uses us all for his righteous plan. Whatever you want us to do, Lord, we are willing. Thank you for the fellowship tonight and thank you for all you have done, are doing, and will do for us.


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