I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in earnest on April 20, 2008. This blog was created to help me take better notice of all the good in the world. I give glory to God for it all.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Going Without Knowing--Day 161/Day10/Day 21

Another thing I enjoyed from the class yesterday was Jim's use of the phrase "going without knowing". I feel like I've been walking sort of blind for the past few months hoping God's will was and is being done by me and others. I like the phrase "going without knowing" more.

Today was a good day.

As I mentioned, the assignment of the week was to write Proverbs 2 as if it was a letter from God to us. One of the things Jim mentioned early on was to share our work so I've been e-mailing all my assignments to everyone in our group. I've received Wendy, Jenni and Kim's assignments in return. I was unsure if I should originally, but again, this was a going without knowing sort of thing. I did it and am pleased I did because I learned some good things from and about others by doing so. This time, I'm putting my assignment on my blog. Why? I don't know. I don't think this is the final draft though. This still seems like how I would interpret God's words rather than how He would write it if He was human again. I'll continue to work on it, but this is a start:

My son, if you receive my words (and I know you will), treasure my commandments within you, make yourself attentive to wisdom, incline your heart to understanding, cry out hungrily for discernment, call out for understanding, and seek me with all your heart, soul and mind, then you truly find out what it means to fear me. If you remain humble and honest, you will receive my wisdom. I will be a shield to those that live according to my word. I will guard your path and preserve the way of my children who believe. Wisdom will enter your heart, knowledge will be pleasant to your soul, discretion will help guide your way and the understanding you receive from me will watch over you.

If you do what I ask, and receive these blessings, you will be delivered from evil paths, from men who speak what should be left unspoken and from those who leave the path of righteousness to walk in the way of darkness. There are people who love to do evil and rejoice in the perversity of it. Their paths are crooked and they are devious. I can deliver you from these men as well. I can deliver you from those who do not value wisdom and will try to lead you from me by their words. They have left everyone they are close with and have forgotten about me. Anyone who is persuaded by this evil will be lead to death. I love you and do not wish this to happen, so do as I ask and you will walk in the way of good men and stay in the path of the righteous. Those who do will come to me in heaven and I will be there for you. Those who choose to remain wicked and treacherous will be cast out. Choose wisely, Mark.

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