Another video I found.
A SHORT LOVE STORY IN STOP MOTION from Carlos Lascano on Vimeo.
The How to Study the Bible class was tonight as usual. I enjoyed it as usual. Late in the class, Jim meditated on a subject close to Him. I thought it was a moving experience. Not that I was moved to tears, but I thought it was another awesome way to get a point across. He almost never sounds like he's simply teaching in that he doesn't usually sound like he just reading off a piece of paper (which he is, though). He really, really sounds like he really believes what he's saying. He sounds like a man that is immensely enjoying what he's doing.
I never had a problem being the only man at a table of Kim and 4 other women. Jim has made a couple jokes about them working against me. They are not, of course. I really enjoy their company. In the first class, Jim mentioned how important it is to make this a group experience, so every time I finish my homework, I send it to them. We've gotten e-mails back from Wendy almost every time and we've received a couple from Jenni. When I read their answers, I look for something to discuss; something that makes me wonder what they mean or why they wrote what they wrote. I haven't found anything yet. Everything I've seen from everyone, including Kim, makes perfect sense. It makes me go back and re-evaluate my homework. It was a leap of faith to send out my homework, especially the second one, but I'm very glad I've done it. I've got some insight into some Christian women's thoughts and it's been wonderful. If God had a hand in placing me at that table, I've been truly blessed.
Thank you, Lord.
My Family is Full of Selfish, Hell-bent Jerks - and Other Bad Starting
If you don't have issues, you better check your pulse because you probably
don't have one of those either. That's true in families and it's true in
10 years ago
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