I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in earnest on April 20, 2008. This blog was created to help me take better notice of all the good in the world. I give glory to God for it all.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Day 156/Day5/Day 16

I never would have imagined I would look forward to going to church every Sunday. It'd be nice if the whole family could enjoy it together, and someday that would be a reality. What I enjoy most is the praise and worship time. It's wonderful to see how people choose to praise Him. I was struck the most this week by Mary. She is so fun-loving and joyous during Awanas. She is obviously much more relaxed at church. That was especially noticeable when I looked over at her singing alone in the front row. We were singing "Give You My Heart". As many of us do, she probably knows the words by heart and was singing with her eyes closed. Relaxed wouldn't be the word. She looked peaceful. She seemed to be singing with her heart more than anything. It was beautiful.

There was a man behind me with his arms raised high. I never saw who it was, but it doesn't matter. He was enjoying his time with the Lord.

There was a woman to my right raising her hand as well. I think it's wonderful people are moved to do different things.

I could hear the people behind me singing loudly. I hope everyone there is singing to Him rather than just singing.

Scott was in a praying mood today. We prayed after just about every song. We have a great praise and worship team and Scott is a good leader and speaks very well.

I watched some football and then spent much of my time with Noah outside in the little house we have in the backyard. He also had me slide down the kids slide and push him on the swings. He wanted me to swing next to him and push him as well. After that he swung on the triangles hanging from the trapeze and then swung on the trapeze itself. We came in soon after because we were thirsty. I seem to have a perpetual thirst. Praise God.

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