Sometimes, what I enjoy more than blogging is reading other blogs. A couple I've come upon are , and . It's wonderful to see how God is working in people's lives and great to see the Word being spread in such positive ways. I find myself struggling with my faith sometimes and such things as these are helpful in getting me energized again.
If you've ever read this blog, you can tell I'm energized by my family. I don't talk about my wife enough, but she tries so hard to please most everyone that you cannot help but like, or in my case love, her. My kids energize me by things they say and do.
For instance, the kids were talking in the back seat of my car about Santa's magic, and wondering if the Easter Bunny had magic. I asked them what it was that Jesus used. Gabrielle answered "Power." I don't think they could've given me a wrong answer, but that was definitely a good one. I told her after church this Sunday that Pastor Don had mentioned God's "power" four times during his sermon. "I'm AWESOME!", she replied.
After church we headed downtown primarily to go to the Hernandez Mexican food stand. There was a rather long line to wait behind, but it's worth it. Their food is excellent. By the time Kim was done talking with Deanna and the rest of the Hernandez clan, it was time to head back home so I could make it back up to the church for the prayer vigil. By the time I got out of the house, I was running a little late, and probably drove a little too fast to get there. I got there right as another couple got there. Pastor Don and Pastor Bob were there to meet us and we went to our rooms to pray. A paper had been made up to describe everything that had to do with the fair, recommendation on what and whom to pray for as well as how to pray. I started at 2:08 and prayed till around 3:15. A couple of the younger deacons showed up at 3:00 and began their vigil as well. I watched for a moment as each of them talked to God. All seemed to be right with the world.
Speaking of praying, I don't think I've mentioned Noah's frequent request for prayer at the dinner table. At first we were asking him to fold his hands and pray with us. Now, he goes around the table and asks each one of us. He prays with his hands over his eyes, palms face out with his fingertips touching. "Momma, pray.", he says. "Daddy, pray." "Gabby, pray." "Colon," (he's almost got it) "pray." His hands stay over his eyes until we say amen. He'll occasionally say amen himself. Halfway through dinner we'll hear "Daddy, pray." "Momma, pray." Kim will answer "We've already prayed, sweetheart." and most of the time that is good enough for him.
Occasionally he'll ask us to pray when we're not at the dinner table. He asked me to pray on the way home from church. I bowed my head and said a little prayer. Colton asks "Did you really pray?" "Yes.", I told him. "Then what were you praying about?" he replies with a smile on his face like he's caught me in a fib. I had to laugh just because of the look he was giving me. I told him I was thanking God for everything good in my life. Again, thank you Jesus.
Last night I took Colton to see Journey to the Center of the Earth again. His sister was going to spend the night at a friends house, he had mowed the lawn for the first time, and he felt he deserved a reward. He did do a good job, so I didn't mind taking him. Then he called and asked if Jianna could go to. No problem there, until, of course, the cashier says "$42.50." The real 3d movies are extra and we each got a combo, but that still seems like a lot of money to see a show we've already seen. Jiji said that her eyes don't work well with 3-d glasses, so I was a little worried she may not get to fully enjoy the movie. Within a minute of the 3-d preview starting, she was grabbing at the screen, so I knew she was seeing it ok. We all enjoyed it. It was a little more fun because there was only one other couple far away from us watching the show. Jiji, who doesn't go to movies much, frequently asked questions and Colton and I didn't mind answering them. Occasionally, they'd giggle, and I didn't feel I had to shhhhh them as I would if the theatre was full.
By the way, if Colton was a girl, he'd be Jiji. They like much of the same things, can frequently get loud, and love to laugh. We had played Apples to Apples a couple of weeks ago when the Lanza girls were over (Day 85), had lots of fun, so Jiji said "Awww, we didn't get to play Apples to Apples." on the way to the movie. I asked if they remembered what the word of that night was.
Sudden quiet. I could almost hear their minds working.
"Pudding!!", roars Jiji. That night, whenever "pudding" was excaimed, especially in sneeze form, it made everyone laugh almost endlessly. They asked me to do it since I seemed to do it best. Maybe it's just odd to hear an adult be so silly. I wouldn't at first, but I can only take so many "Come on..." and "Dad, do it, pleaaaaassse." I relented and said it as silly as possible. They both giggled for the next 20 seconds.
On the way home, Colton rolled down his window and told the world "I LIKE PUDDING!" Jiji had to do the same, but she had a car next to her as we stopped at a red light. The older man didn't seem to mind, but he looked at her a little odd. I asked them to roll up their windows. As I dropped her off, she got out and started running towards her house. As she nears the house, Colton yells "Pudding!" She bended over in laughter and nearly tripped up the stairs.
Thank God for the laughter of children.
Bless them all, Lord.
Android - How To Build A 2d Dimension Gallery With Vertical And Horizontal
I want to build a custom gallery. a 2d Dimension gallery , user can swiping
page vertical and horizontal. i store information like a 2d map, each page
1 year ago
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