I think about this blog on a fairly regular basis. Since it is supposed to be about being more positive (which I am) and how our Lord is helping me in this endeavor (which He is) I sometimes think "Hmm, I could put this in my blog." Even if I forget to add it later, at least I am noticing more positive things than before. Here are some times I may or may not have thought about it in the past couple days.
I hopped in my buddy's Aztec to grab some lunch for us. As soon as the car was turned on, a rythmic beat starting pumping out of his speakers. He listens to all types of music, as I used to, so in those few seconds before the words started, I wondered what he was listening to. Rap? R&B? Pop? Country? When I heard them singing the chorus, I heard something to the effect of God will not give you more than you can handle. I pulled out the CD. Hmmm. The Winans. I would not have guessed Gospel. I told him later that it was an interesting choice of music in his car. He said he hadn't listened to them in years, but felt like it that morning. I wonder why? I'm not going to think about it. I'll just say God is good.
Kim told me Mary was going to volunteer for SONshine park this year. That's great. Those toddlers can always use another kind, gentle soul who can laugh with ease. I hope she enjoys it.
As I neared the end of "The Shack" last night, Colton was reading as well. Gabrielle looked sort of bored so I asked her to grab a book and read with us. She starts walking upstairs before stopping. "Can I draw instead?", she asks. "Sure.", I replied. Colton puts his book down and says "I'm going to draw, too." After sitting at the table for a while, Gabrielle brings over a picture that she said was for all of us. The centerpiece of the picture was an angel. Considering a 7 year old drew the picture (and adding in my Daddy bias), it was a remarkably beautiful angel. Colton made an attempt to draw a cross and sheild I had drawn a couple months ago. He remarked how difficult it was, but he did a really good job. He was also impressed with a pencil he had drawn. The pencil was actually supposed to be drawing the picture of the bible he had drawn. It showed some good imagination and I enjoyed it too. On the back of the picture he had written "HI!" in very big letters. Gabby came back with another picture for me only this time. It said "For Daddy" On the back (or front?) was a picture of a large heart she had colored in with her pencil. In the middle it said "I love Jesus"
That's great that they think (know) drawing things like this will make Kim and I happy. Actually, any drawing they do makes us happy, but I'll let them continue to let them bless us with their artistry in any way they see fit.
I got some constructive criticism from Adam. He warns not to judge others or compare them to myself. My judgement or criticisms of others was what my question was about, but he explained it in such a way that said we need to see people through God's eyes. Through his eyes, it is only about Love. Love thy neighbor and let God work with them and me as He sees fit is what I got out of it. He also reminded me to pray for them. Thanks, Adam.
Colton started football practice this week. Kim has done a wonderful job working the phones to make sure he gets there one way or the other. Colton has done a great job at each practice. He is learning quickly and having fun. While the extra running has pushed some to tears, he has pushed through it and sees it as a positive.
While we were at his practice yesterday, I played with Noah under the monkey bars. We were playing with the sand, twigs, and some rocks. A very cute little girl walked nearly next to us but still behind me. "Hi.", I said. She just stared. Within a minute or so, though, she was noticing the pickers on Noah clothes and her shoes. She then tells me this seemingly disjointed story about her brother Zack, her elbow, how it wasn't her fault, mosquitoes, pickers, and her mom. I had no idea what she was saying, so it wasn't unlike talking to Noah sometimes. If I was her dad, I may have been able to understand her. With Noah, he'll tell me what he wants and I won't be able to understand what he's saying sometimes. When I finally figure it out, I wonder why I wasn't able to hear what he was saying. I later asked her how old she was. "Five.", she says. I'm thinking closer to 3. I asked her what her name was (three times) and all I could make out was "Lrch." I knew her last name was Roach, but that didn't help much. It wasn't until her mom said her name later did I figure it out. Gabrielle, Noah, Lrch and I played till it was almost time to leave.
Later, one of Colton's female friends, Gabrielle and I played some catch. We had two footballs we were playing with so I would throw to his friend and Gabrielle would throw to me and around in a triangle. Noah sat in the center of us for most of the time. In nearly mid-throw, Gabrielle looks down and says "Wow, Noah. Dad look." as she points to him. Or rather, his creation. He had stacked three football tees on top of each other and then placed a football on top. "That's quite impressive, actually.", I remember saying. My boy is going to be an architect. :)
I've been reading "The Shack" the last three days as well. I'm almost done. The next post will most likely mention it and what I've learned. It's been very good so far.
I love Jesus,too. Thank you for what you did for us.
Android - How To Build A 2d Dimension Gallery With Vertical And Horizontal
I want to build a custom gallery. a 2d Dimension gallery , user can swiping
page vertical and horizontal. i store information like a 2d map, each page
1 year ago
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