I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in earnest on April 20, 2008. This blog was created to help me take better notice of all the good in the world. I give glory to God for it all.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Been wanting to do this for a while. Interesting my blog starts my spiritual journey. I was trying to be more positive after seeing a psychiatrist, so I numbered the days trying to make it to a year. It's almost 7 years later. I'm an elder now. Who woulda thunk? Not me. A spiritual journey is a journey with God. I had no idea I was on a journey for the first 35 years of my life. Now I have assurance that that journey is going to "end" with Him. How comforting. "I know that you are for me" by Kari Jobe. I need to ramble occasionally. Get some of my thoughts out of my head. Want to read the bible more. We were doing so well. How to get back on track? Read a bunch on Saturday? We'll see. God give us the want to get into your Word. You alone are worthy to be praised. We want to to praise you by wanting to get to know you. Games less. Bible more. Think you can do it? No. Writing more? Think you can do it? Nah. Can I set a goal far enough away but still able to reach? Don't think so. With God's help I believe I can, but the vicious cycle make me think I'm alone. The devil taunts and accuses me. I'm imprisoned in my own life (Stand up by Fireflight). That's enough for now.

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