I'd thought about ending this blog and starting it somewhere where no one could read it. I've seen many family oriented blogs that seem to be there to keep others informed of the family. Mine is sometimes used for that purpose, but that is not the main purpose. Sometimes i wonder who reads it except for the obvious and if I've ever said anything that could be taken the wrong way. Sometimes I wonder what Dennis or Jennifer or Kim or Adam might think of something I write, and even most of what I write is positive, those thoughts can make the writing a little limited. I'm not ready to do that yet though. If someone wants to read my sometimes mundane thoughts, that's fine with me. Keep in mind, though, that I feel this is all inspired by God and done to exclaim his glory for all the good in the world and i do my best to disregard the bad. If my thoughts seem odd or misdirected, feel free to let me know what you think. Thank you and God bless you all.
Monday was Scott's surprise birthday party. He seemed genuinely surprised, but didn't get overly excited at all. That's not his style. He spent most of his time chatting with his brother or Mom and Dad. I like seeing that side of him. He enjoys talking about the car he's working on or just about anything else. Sometimes I see him as someone who is easily angered and may raise his voice at the drop of a hat (see Day 1). I used to be that way. I still am in some ways, but I've gotten better. Overall, it was a fun time. I'm glad he enjoyed it.
Tuesday it was back to work.
I'm not even sure why I wrote that. :)
Moving on, Wednesday was the leaders meeting for Awana's and yet another reason for me to give glory to God and thank Him for taking me down this path. It also turned out to be a reason for me to wonder if I've gotten off the path or if I'm walking down it blindly. I got in my car and the radio personality immediately mentioned how she hoped that some of us were on our way to church. Well, yes, many of us are actually. Thank you for thinking of us. I either wasn't into the music on the Christian radio stations or they were talking or playing commercials, so I turned it to 105.5. They began playing Creed's song "Higher". Some say it's about Heaven and others say it's simply about dreaming, but either way, it was an invigorating song to listen to at that time.
I thought of the sermon I had listened to the day before. The pastor said that is was very difficult to steer a car if you didn't start driving. He was telling his congregation and anyone else listening to get going in one way or another. Get out there and do something. It was almost the same thing pastor don had preached a few days before. I got to the meeting early and was feeling pretty good. Then we had the meeting discussing the amount of kids in each group, what time we needed to be there, and some basic instruction on what to do. Laura also reminded us to remember that what we are doing was for God and not for our recognition. When we were done, I was sort of disappointed I had no questions for Brenda, so while she talked to Dennis, I left. I wasn't feeling as good walking out as I did walking in. The ominous thunder roar as soon as I stepped out side didn't help. Neither did the preacher I listened to on the way home reminding his congregation to make sure that that were doing the work of the Lord, because there are some people out there that believe they are, but are actually doing the work of the devil. I feel like I'm walking blindly into the Awana's class, but it'll be fun. Gabrielle and I are looking forward to it.
Thursday was the Bible Study study. It was very informative, and Kim and I are looking forward to going again. Sunday was the start of the football season. I only got to watch the 1 o'clock games, because almost as soon as they were over, I had to take Allison to the Soul Fire meeting. I had originally wanted to go to see how Dennis works with the kids, but he just uses his charisma, which I lack to the extent he has it. The food fight was fun to watch and Allison got extremely messy. She said she'd do it again, but would bring an extra set of clothes next time.
Dear Mr. Rodela
Dennis said something to start his small sermon that Jim had told me in the last few days (which seemed odd). I'll repeat it here.
1. There is a God. (I believe that with all my heart)
2. He's not me.
3. He's not you.
Chew on that one a while and I'll talk to you tomorrow, Mark.
Android - How To Build A 2d Dimension Gallery With Vertical And Horizontal
I want to build a custom gallery. a 2d Dimension gallery , user can swiping
page vertical and horizontal. i store information like a 2d map, each page
1 year ago
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