I notice and enjoy noticing small coincidences (Days 1, 2, and 89). I'm not going to say it's a bad thing until it somehow backfires or I learn something different. I had mentioned to Gil a while ago that people can notice coincidences anywhere if they're in the right (or wrong) state of mind bringing up the main character in "A Beautiful Mind". I don't think I take it to extremes, but I may notice them more than most. I had noticed the final numbers of my "days" were all the same--Day 142/Day 2/Day 2. I thought that was interesting. Maybe I can continue to keep it this way. Later on, I turned my Bible to the first page I'd ever dog-eared. I'm not exactly sure why I did; possibly because Pastor Don stated he was going to try to memorize the Psalm. It is Psalm 119 and it is the longest chapter in the Bible with 176 verses and over 350 lines. That would be quite a feat and would take a lot of work and time. I came to it today and thought I may want to memorize part of it or write it down or study it. Since I started the Bible study class, I've been praying before I read scripture. Instead, I asked God to show me something. I don't know why. I was looking for some reason that would make this passage even more interesting. I probably asked Him to show me something a few times while glancing over all the verses. And then there was my coincidence. Not only did Psalm 119 consume both of the pages I was looking at, but the last verse on the page was...119. Does this change anything for me? Nah. Was God actually "showing" me something. Probably not, but I praise Him for allowing us the joy of happiness. I'll leave it at that.
Here's a list of positive moments throughout my day.
I prayed on the way to work this morning.
I kept my poise at work when I could've gotten angry.
I read the bible at work and wrote down some scripture.
I had an enjoyable discussion with Adam.
Noah prayed at dinner tonight with is hands clasped for the first time I'd ever seen. He also said Amen clear as day.
We laughed a lot at the dinner table together.
After asking Gabrielle to relax and take a breath while continually making mistakes with the same verse, she did so and sat down. She proceeded to say the verse without one mistake. She repeated this process every other time she forgot a word or made a mistake. Maybe she can stick with it.
I received my new NiSB NASB bible (repetitive?) today. I read the introduction and all the specific note taking looks a little haphazard and possibly overwhelming, but that's what I'm taking the class for.
Colton got an A+ on a social studies test.
Kim and I kissed.
Thank you, Lord.
Android - How To Build A 2d Dimension Gallery With Vertical And Horizontal
I want to build a custom gallery. a 2d Dimension gallery , user can swiping
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1 year ago
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