I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in earnest on April 20, 2008. This blog was created to help me take better notice of all the good in the world. I give glory to God for it all.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Conversations--Day 136/Day 9/Day 2

On the way homefrom work, we continued on a conversation we had had Friday. Again, I found out more things about Gil I had not even imagined. I don't think I'd ever seen him in dress clothes before since he is the hilo driver at work, but he says he was very upset with himself for taking this job for a long time. He had hardly ever had a job where he wasn't in management making a more decent amount of money. His wife had an even better job than he. To make a long story short and to not get into too many of the particulars, he says the only way to make peace with yourself is to, in essence, separate yourself from this world. He says chasing the almighty dollar in any way is just an endless cycle that will never be attained. He believes all the answers are in the bible.

It was not your normal mano a mano conversation, but I don't think Gil is your "normal" guy from what I can tell. What is most interesting is that I brought up the topic of religion earlier last week. I'm not sure how exactly to evangelize, but I like to throw a little something out there and see if it strikes up any conversation. If the subject is quickly changed, I let it go. Gil grabbed on like a vice and, so far, hasn't let go. I am the one being evangelized to now though, not him. Sure, I've stated my beliefs in basic terms so that he knows where I stand, but he is more educated on the subject. I've learned that being a bible-educated person is not enough, but Gil has let it sink down deep into his character. From the way he talks about his past and present, he is a changed man. It is evident on a daily basis. There are a few Christians where I work and they all seem to be humble, patient people: two characteristics that I find very important for Christians or anyone. I'd say I'm in a better place in each of those characteristics than in months or years past, but I have not attained the level I see in these people.

I've stopped to think about all the religious conversations I've had with people in the past few months. I find myself ranking them in order of how it affected me. lol. I can't do that though. I believe everything happens for a reason, so each one of these people were placed in my path so that I may better develop my personal relationship with God. I am also the person placed in their path as well and all the joy and happiness and love we all feel is because of Him. That's good to know and as far as my relationship with Him goes, God and I are pretty good pals. I know He'd die for me, but would I die for Him if it came down to that situation? I'm not exactly sure what I mean by that, but I'd like to say I would.

Most everyone enjoys some sort of attention, and I know each of my kids do. I would like to say that that is not the only reason Gabrielle jumped on my lap with her Awana's Sparks book in her hand. She enjoys the praise she gets from everyone when she memorizes verses from the bible, but I believe some of the words are comforting to her as well. She enjoys Awana's and knowing some verses when it's time to go over them helps her tremendously. It's helping me, too. I would not yet know of many of these verses if i didn't go over them repeatedly with her. Now that I go over them with her, I don't ask her to memorize a ton of them for more recognition, but I do think it's important she knows what they mean. I asked a couple children if they knew what the verses meant that they were reciting to me, and they had no clue. Understandably so, but I didn't see the point in memorizing them if that were true. On the other hand, memorizing the verses was at least planting a seed that they could come back to later and possibly watch it grow. Each one of those verses may stick with them especially when they review the book after they finish it. Sometime in the years ahead they may come upon the same verse and now have a better understanding of them.

I started and finished my bible study homework today. There's a certain rush that I feel doing the homework. It's probably almost the same rush anyone gets when studying something and knowing they are gaining knowledge. I also feel like I'm being pushed along a little. God knows what's going to happen and when it's going to happen, but I feel He is letting me use my free will and the mind he has given me to figure things out for myself.

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