If you can't tell by reading this blog, I like music. It's got something to do with emotions, 'cause I'm all about being emotional. I added a few more songs yesterday. Adam turned me onto Barlow Girl. Neither song I added is exactly a happy song, but the theme is inspirational. I heard Everything You Ever Wanted on a Christian radio station, so I added it as well. I'm not sure why it was on the Christian radio station on it now that I read the lyrics. They mention Jesus one time, but that's about it.
My sister bought lunch for a few of us at work today. She had bought me a gift certificate to Chili's for my birthday and I used it for myself and a couple others. I was told it'd be ready in 15 minutes. I got there about 20 minutes later and they said it'd be a minute. After 10 minutes of waiting, I began to get impatient. Almost immediately, I stopped. I mean, really, I'm sitting inside a restaurant watching ESPN as I wait. Where's the problem? I ended up waiting for another 10 minutes, and I try to stay more patient now. Many times it's like this situation. I get impatient, and then stop the impatient thoughts. It'd be nice if I didn't get impatient in the first place, but at least I'm taking steps.
I talked to Adam at work again. Most of our longer discussions have something to do with scripture, God, and love in one way or another. He really gets me thinking. As I've written before, many times it's recharging as far as my faith is concerned. I want to do a high five, maybe even a manly chest bump, and yell "PRAISE GOD! AMEN, BROTHER!", but I'm not like that. I could do that many times at church, as I'm sure many people could, but we don't for the most part. Is that a bad thing? I don't think so. As long as we're praising God one way or another.
I played poker last night. I prayed before I started playing. Not a prayer that I'd do well in the tournament or anything, but a normal prayer. It definitely made me feel better. Later on, I sat looking at the people around the table. As I listened to them talk during this game that is some ways is about greed and dishonesty, I realized everyone is generally good. I've always believed the opposite. As I looked around though, I thought that everyone, for the most part, tries to be a good person. Then, at two tables I was at, there were these two crotchety older guys. I'm sure they're good in many ways, but sometimes it seems they might thing being nice is a weakness. Almost everything they said was an arguement or sarcasm. Kind of like me in a bad mood. That got me thinking about the people who don't try to be good. What a life that must be like. I'm glad I've been saved so I'll never have to find out.
I had to stop by Meijer to get some stuff for work and for home. It was about 7 minutes before 11 as I left the Meijer gas station, and I was headed to get some Taco Bell after not eating much since noon. I thought if left for home now, though, I might make it home in time for prayer time. Right on cue, as I walked in the door carrying the groceries, Kim says "We're just about to say prayers!" from upstairs. The kids walk to the top of the stairs with smiles on their faces and tell me they are just about to say prayers. I told them I passed up Taco Bell to come home, so the prayers better be better than Taco Bell. Obviously that's not too difficult. Gabrielle starts out by praying "Dear, God, please help my prayer be better than Taco Bell." It was funny, but I suppose I should not say anything like that again. All the prayers were heartwarming as was seeing Noah sound asleep through it all. I wish he could be part of these prayers as well as the family kiss we did after the prayer. He likes doing those while were awake. We do this humming sound and then all join in the middle with a kiss for everyone. It usually sounds like "MmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWAHHHHHHHHHHH!" Noah will always clap and say "Yayyyyyy." and then lean in for another one.
God is good.
Anyone but me notice a few of the paragraphs above end on a less positive note than how the paragraph started? This blog, while about how God has changed my life, is an experiment in being positive. I don't need to bring a negative light into it. I can cut that stuff out, and it still means about the same.
If you can't tell by reading this blog, I like music. It's got something to do with emotions, 'cause I'm all about being emotional. I added a few more songs yesterday. Adam turned me onto Barlow Girl. Neither song I added is exactly a happy song, but the theme is inspirational. I heard Everything You Ever Wanted on a Christian radio station, so I added it as well. I sang it out loud on the way home. To me it seems like a song where you're trying to better yourself in many ways. Take a listen. I try...
And this one...
I talked to Adam at work again. Most of our longer discussions have something to do with scripture, God, and love in one way or another. He really gets me thinking. As I've written before, many times it's recharging as far as my faith is concerned. I want to do a high five, maybe even a manly chest bump, and yell "PRAISE GOD! AMEN, BROTHER!", but I praise Him in my own way. I feel the same way at church, as I'm sure many people could, but we all find our own way to praise our Lord.
How about this one?...
I played poker last night. I prayed before I started playing. Not a prayer that I'd do well in the tournament or anything, but a normal prayer. It definitely made me feel better. Later on, I sat looking at the people around the table. As I listened to them talk during this game that is some ways is about greed and dishonesty, I realized everyone is generally good. I've always believed the opposite. As I looked around though, I thought that everyone, for the most part, tries to be a good person. Thank you for this insight, Jesus.
Ok. That's better.
God is Great.
Android - How To Build A 2d Dimension Gallery With Vertical And Horizontal
I want to build a custom gallery. a 2d Dimension gallery , user can swiping
page vertical and horizontal. i store information like a 2d map, each page
1 year ago
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