Brian had us over for a Fourth of July party. I don't feel like I'm judgemental of Brian, but I can't go over to his place and not feel that he is in a place he wants desperately out of. It seems like he's dug a pretty good hole for himself and I feel that I am judgemental of his girlfriend Belinda. She does not seem to be the sort to help pull him out of this situation. The only person that can is The One whom Brian does not believe in. You can't force someone to come to God, but if I could, I would. I am making a promise to God right now that I will at least make an attempt to talk to him.
The party was a lot of fun. The kids got to swim for a while, the food was good and Brian really made an attempt to make sure everyone was fed and comfortable. Everyone enjoyed the fireworks. Noah seemed fascinated by them for a while, then he got tired. The bangs! and booms! kept him up for a while, but soon he was sound asleep.
Android - How To Build A 2d Dimension Gallery With Vertical And Horizontal
I want to build a custom gallery. a 2d Dimension gallery , user can swiping
page vertical and horizontal. i store information like a 2d map, each page
1 year ago
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