Noah hasn't figured out the full concept of the game "my ball" yet. It's a game I've played with Colton since he was little. Gabrielle enjoys an occasional game as well. The basic rule is that you try to get the ball from the person who has it. The earliest games of my ball consisted of letting myself get tackled by Colton and then practically rolling around in the grass as he tried to get it. Once he did, I'd run after him and eventually get it back. Noah loves being chased as we try to get the ball from him. He'll giggle all around the house or outside. Once you knock it out of his hands though, you'd think we just stole his favorite toy. It's called "my ball" because as you chase the other or are getting chased, those words are repeated very often by the chaser and/or the chasee. Noah screams the words as he tries to get it back. Colton and I choose to just give it to him, and it turns into a game of chase Noah as he runs around the house with a ball two times bigger than his head. It's fun anyway.
Another new thing with Noah is coloring. He's been doing it with us for a while, but now he'll find a pen, pencil, marker or crayon and give it to whoever he's coloring with. Don't plan on having it for long. He'll take it from you and give you his. Then he might take it right back. Or give you another random one that's sitting on the table. After a few scribbles or some letters or numbers he'll ask "Whatcha doin?" and will watch you draw for a couple seconds. Then he wants whatever your drawing with and the process is repeated. We covered quite a few sheets of paper with tons of scribble.
Zach was over today. He's got quite a different laugh than Colton, but it's just as infectious. Alyssa was over to play with Gabrielle. I haven't heard her laugh much, but her and Gabrielle have a good time. Gabrielle always has a good time with her friends as does Colton. I met Alyssa's parents as I dropped Gabrielle off there later on. Not surprisingly, they're very nice people. I talked basketball with her dad for a minute or two. I didn't get her Mom's name, but she seemed especially nice as well.
I put up the window insulation today. It looks like I'll have enough to cover all the downstairs windows. Even with the windows shut and locked, I can easily tell that plenty of air seeps in through the window. As soon as the plastic is up and dewrinkled, it puffs out towards the inside of house. It seems to be working.
Thank you Lord for giving me a place to think about the wonderfulness of the life you have given us. Help keep us your path you've laid out for us and we pray our faith becomes stronger and more complete every day.
Android - How To Build A 2d Dimension Gallery With Vertical And Horizontal
I want to build a custom gallery. a 2d Dimension gallery , user can swiping
page vertical and horizontal. i store information like a 2d map, each page
1 year ago
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