The latest addition to the playlist is out of place. It probably won't stick around long. The janitor was in the lab on Thursday and starts singing sort of quietly but in a high voice. He's used to the odd looks he gets. I think he's in his 40's but could easily pass for my age. He's quite a personable guy always looking for a low-five or fist punch over every funny thing he says. I just smiled and shook my head. He asked me if I knew who that was. I told him I couldn't understand what he was saying. I don't think he mentioned who it was. He just mentioned he liked singing in a high pitched voice rather than trying to sing in his normal voice. I told him he might do a good Brian McNight. "Who?", he says. "Brian McNight. Ever heard of "One Last Cry?"" He asked me if I had the cd. I told him no, but I could pull it up for him. I did and he stood there listening to the whole song. He said he was going to have to write that one down and find it. I'm not used to listening to tear-jerkers with another man in my lab, so it made for an unusual experience. That was exactly the kind of song he was talking about and later on in the day he was standing well out side of the lab singing that song in as high of a voice as he could muster. I saw him and he just starts laughing.
Kim left this morning. She'll be gone til Sunday. We all miss her already. We went to see Madagascar this afternoon and as we were driving home Colton says "I miss Mom." I said "I do too. ...her smiling face, her beautiful hair..." "Dad," he says, "you're making it worse." We both laughed. There was a lot of laughing going on during the movie. Both Colton and Gabrielle had a friend and they all enjoyed it. Once Noah got home, we played with his new cars for a bit, watched some "Blues Clues" and played some Myball. He didn't mind me knocking it out of his hands today. He'd just giggle and run after me. Gabrielle is staying over a friends house and was pretty ecstatic to be able to do so.
I was reading The Purpose Driven Life today and read a section on people in the church helping others within the church grow spiritually. I immediately thought of Lisa. The best part of that discussion last night was that she didn't want to let it go till she felt it had been fully understood by both of us. I could have conversations like that for hours. That in turn reminds me of Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof. We watched part of the movie in the Bible Study class quite a few weeks ago where he envisions having lots of money and being able to have spiritual talks for hours upon hours. I believe seven hours was the exact number. I'd love to be able to do that. Right now, though, I'd run out of scripture to discuss very soon. Either way, I've had wonderful experiences since becoming a Christian and that is yet another one of them. Thanks again, Lisa.
And thank you, CfC (Curious from Clarkston) for stopping by occasionally. I must admit it brings a smile to my face. What I think was my friend Jen dropped off the counter few days ago. She read the blog fairly faithfully for a while as well as evidenced in comments on day 31. She quit coming, not so coincidentally, around the same time school started. When I first started the blog, I wanted everyone to read that first blog of mine. I wanted everyone to remain positive and look to God through it all. Now, I don't feel it's necessary for others to read my blog to get that. If they are already looking towards God, then I hope most of them will be positive anyway.
Before Colton hit the hay tonight, he says that if I'm staying up later, I should read I Kings 18:1-19. I'm glad that part of scripture had an effect on him. He's brought it up a couple times today. I'm definitely going to make sure I read it. Kids are great. I love you guys. I miss you Kim. Good night. I'll be thinking of you all in my prayers and dreams.
Android - How To Build A 2d Dimension Gallery With Vertical And Horizontal
I want to build a custom gallery. a 2d Dimension gallery , user can swiping
page vertical and horizontal. i store information like a 2d map, each page
1 year ago
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