I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in earnest on April 20, 2008. This blog was created to help me take better notice of all the good in the world. I give glory to God for it all.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Nancy--Day 34

It's early Thursday morning, and I'm still thinking of that show, 30 days, that I watched last night concerning the Christian living with and learning about Muslims. Another scene that helped me see the likeness in the two religions was near the end when the Christian man was thanking one of his teachers for opening his eyes towards their religion. The Muslim man said that that was "from God." That is so right. He didn't say it was from his God, he said it was from God. He believed that if the man was a good Christian, he would help more people understand about the Islamic faith when they attempt to slander it. I pray he is able to do so.

Since these thoughts were still fresh in my mind, I asked Nancy if she believed in God this morning when she came in the lab to get a gage fixed. As I have with many others, I was expecting to get her opinions on certain subjects including other faiths. She said there was too much evil and suffering, especially children suffering, in the world, so no, she did not. She watched the suffering of a 14 year old neighbor boy over a long period of time in which he went from being a normal kid to "a vegetable" over a years' time. She spoke of all the people in the shop that talk bad about others on a regular basis. She brought up 9/11. She brought up her own child that had gotten sick. I can understand how all of these situations brought together can really test one's faith. We were able to agree that not only was she a good person, but so were most of the people we work with.

As I've said before here on this page, something tragic happening to my family or someone close to me would test my faith as hers has been tested. She and others that work here show that losing a belief in God does not make one a bad person. She very much wants to believe and I believe God will work with her to help her understand things neither of us like to see happening. I am humbled by the fact that God is allowing me to talk with her about Him, and how very good He is. With all the evil in the world that the 11:00 news likes to make their top story, it is easy to forget, or have a harder time seeing, the good that people are doing in this world.

After truly accepting Jesus into my heart just a couple months ago, Nancy is the first person I have had a lengthy religious discussion with that was not a firm believer in God. She said she felt better after talking with me before she left the lab. So did I. I'm happy He could help.

Thank you, Jesus.

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