When I got home today, Colton told me he had already finished the book he had bought a couple of days ago. He was surprised when I told him I had finished mine as well. As I said earlier, I was looking for a book with some sort of Christian theme to it, but instead I found "Water for Elephants" which had been given a great review by a good friend. While reading it, I realized how adult this book was and how it seemed not very near to a Christian book at all (not that I expected to be). It had murder, infidelity, several instances of sexual overtones, and an abundance of overindulgence of alcohol (it was mostly set in 1931, during prohibition). It was a very good book, nonetheless. I read the author's interview at the end of the book, only to find out that it had borrowed generously from the Bible. The main character's name was Jacob and the story in the book somehow relates to Jacob's story in the Bible. There were other references that I did not recognize either, that the author thought it would be a neat idea for the people would notice the correlations. Now I am very interested to find out these correlations. After reading the scripture the book relates to, I'd like to read the book again. For now, I let a friend borrow it.
Kim came and sat next to me while I watch the Pistons play. We don't do that often enough. We don't watch much tv for the most part in the first place and when we do, we don't have the same interests. I like sports and G4. She likes Grey's Anatomy (I do too, but not as much), Desperate Housewives (it has its' moments) and the food channel. It was nice while it lasted though.
Android - How To Build A 2d Dimension Gallery With Vertical And Horizontal
I want to build a custom gallery. a 2d Dimension gallery , user can swiping
page vertical and horizontal. i store information like a 2d map, each page
1 year ago
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