I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in earnest on April 20, 2008. This blog was created to help me take better notice of all the good in the world. I give glory to God for it all.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Children and Chocolate Shakes: Day 21

21 days=3 weeks :)

I've gone farther in my blog than I though I would. Jennifer's comment gave it a kick start a few days ago when I had written a small post after a fun night and then didn't feel like writing much the next day. I ended up writing quite a bit that night. As I've noticed before some days it seems more like a online diary than a positive oriented experiment/blog. I prayed with the kids separately tonight, and I was moved to pray for the little things in this world that make us happy. Like children and chocolate shakes. I suppose if I only wrote about positive moments throughout my day instead of paragraphs detailing them, today's blog would look like this:

Getting up early

Seeing the kids setting next to each other quietly watching a movie

Taking a shower

Getting ready for church

Waking up Kim with a kiss.

Waking Noah up out of his slumber

Hearing him say "Hi, Dad"

Hearing him say "Derbie" as he points to the "birdie"

Getting him ready for church

Noticing how pretty Kim looks as she gets ready

Noticing the rain

Leaving for church "early"

Hearing some good Christian music on the way to church, inluding "Opposite Way" as we pull in.

Getting a close parking spot

Having one of the deacons hold the door open for us on a cold morning.

Taking Noah to the nursery and watching him wave bye

Seeing Dennis and Jennifer with smiles on their faces

Dennis cracking a joke about how he didn't know if they be able to listen to the sermon today.


Listening to Scott speak.

Singing and listening to the music.

Praying again

Watching Pastor Don's funny skit

Listening to his sermon on sin

Shaking his hand on the way out

Picking up the kids from their rooms

Talking to the Boomers on the way out of church

Having Kim notice that during the last couple of sermons, she has noticed him speak on the exact things I had talked with her about that week (I'd noticed that too)

Gabrielle having Ashley over

Watching the kids play

Playing with the kids

Having Emily and Jiselle over

Walking to the chocolate milk store with all of them

Eating a candy bar

Winning an entry into a big tournament

Making club sandwiches

Being able to do the right thing and apologize to Kim for not grabbing Noah as cried and tugged on her as she left

Watching Noah fall asleep as I fed him.

Making chocolate shakes for the kids

Winning $569 in that tournament

Watching Zathura with the kids

Having Gabrielle come sit on my lap for most of the movie

Listening to their prayers.

Having them listen to mine.

A late-night bowl of cereal.

Writing my blog

Getting a good-night kiss from Kim

Reading a good book.

Praying again.

I'm sure I may have missed some things, but that looks like a pretty good day. Thank you, Lord.

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