Kim got a message from what sounded like an excited Fran Maddock tonight. She said we're in her life group with one other couple. I chose to get into a life group rather than a discovery group at the last second. God gave us freedom of thought, but sometimes I wonder when or if the decision is made for me. God knows I need a push in one direction or the other once in a while. I figured Kim would have more time for this group since it meets less often and I don't think there is any homework. She is already in the Women's Bible Study group and works for quite a while on the homework. If there is a Men's Bible Study group, I hope I'm able to join that as well, but we'll see. I'm really excited to be in a group with the Maddocks. They seem so genuinely nice. I'm looking forward to our time together with them and the other family.
Garrett and Jiselle are staying the night again. Colton was the first to say his prayer and then Garrett said he wanted to go next. He has sort of a loud, authoritative voice. He thanked God for quite a few things. It was a wonderful prayer once again. He said he'd like to come to church with us every week. I hope he can. It'd be nice if the rest of his family could come to, and we'll probably bring it up, but not push it. It would be an even longer drive for them.
Just taking those two to church reminds me of something Laura said during the Awana leaders meeting before Awana started up again. She said something to the affect that we needed to remember we were not doing what we were doing for anything that was fitting our agenda in any way. We are doing it to help lead children to Christ and we were doing it all for His glory. I'm very glad to be able to take them.
We went sledding today. It was quite cold and I didn't have a hat. Thankfully, I had a hood on my sweatshirt I was able to pull up over my ears. We had a good time sledding, laughing, wrestling, and talking for a little over an hour. A hour later, Kim went with Gabrielle to the roller skating rink and Colton went to the Rec Center for an All-Kids Night at the Rec Center for a few hours. They both had a good time and both brought home a friend.
As a facebook friend put it, I'm excited for some Jesus tomorrow.
God is Good.
Android - How To Build A 2d Dimension Gallery With Vertical And Horizontal
I want to build a custom gallery. a 2d Dimension gallery , user can swiping
page vertical and horizontal. i store information like a 2d map, each page
1 year ago
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