I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in earnest on April 20, 2008. This blog was created to help me take better notice of all the good in the world. I give glory to God for it all.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Back to Blogging--Day 234

Another fairly uneventful day except I finally finished some drafts on my blog. The last few blogs were all done today. I haven't really felt like blogging. I'd even thought I didn't "need" it anymore. I don't need a blog to keep me positive, but it helps to remind me of Him.

I'm also reminded of my friends from my last job. I miss my job and miss them. I miss my talks with Adam the most. I got an e-mail from him a couple of days ago that was encouraging and, in so many words, said he was just a phone call away. He reminded me to keep serving God and growing my faith. He also recommended I keep finding positive things and to write them down. Hmmm. He may be the reason I'm finally getting this done. Thanks, Adam.

I got a call today from a staffing service. I'll be going in Monday to fill out the full application.

I didn't mention the Christmas presents I got from Colton and Gabrielle. I got "90 days with Jesus" by Beth Moore from Gabrielle and "The Greatest Words Ever Spoken: Everything Jesus Said about You, Your Life, and Everything Else" by Steven K. Scott from Colton. They would have never gotten me those books in past years. It's a wonderful thing. Gabrielle saw me writing in the book she gave me (there are several places to do so) and asked me what book that was. She looked at the cover and smiled. She watched me write a few more seconds and went on her way with the smile still on her face. A couple days later, she asked me which book I used more. I told her that her book was meant to be read once a day and Colton's book was more of a reference book, so they wouldn't be the read the same amount all the time. And anyway, it's not exactly a contest. "I know.", she says. "So which do you read more?" I smiled and told her that I was reading hers more often. "O.K.", she said.

Life is still good. Thank you, Jesus.

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