What I read today did not sit well with me and between the hustle and bustle of my day today, I thought about it quite a bit. The excerpt described a shy, sometimes hidden God. By shy, he meant not quick to intervene rather than a timid God. While I understand the concept, he never convinced me shy was the proper word. Some of the scripture he used described a patient God and I believe that is more accurate. He knows exactly when intervention is necessary and I don't believe he needs to restrain Himself in any way. He will intervene at the perfect time according to what He knows must be done.
I read on.
He describes a God who hides and is many times hidden throughout our lives. Although he used scripture to back this up, I'm going to need convincing that this is what is meant. It does not seem to mesh with James 4:8: Draw close to God and He will draw close to you. I am in agreement with Kari Jobe and C.S. Lewis. Kari Jobe sings "The more I seek you, the more I find you..." So true. The more I look for God, the more I see Him. Right now I see Him everywhere and in everything: my family, my friends, my job, music, fortunate circumstances, unfortunate circumstances, a dead leaf blowing across the road in front of my car and I could go on. Maybe I should reign that in a bit, but right now I have no plans to. I see His hand in my life and several of my friends lives. It's a beautiful thing.
C.S. Lewis spoke of God as the “hound of heaven” who pursued him until he came to faith. That does not sound like a God who would later on hide from us in any way. When I stepped into that room almost two years ago now, I had no intention of seeking God. I planned on asking for a few favors for some people at my church. I got more than I expected. He drew me closer to Him that night. Compared to my life before that night, it seemed unimaginably close. I could draw closer every day if I chose to. It is my duty to seek Him and, in one way or another, He will let Himself be found.
Android - How To Build A 2d Dimension Gallery With Vertical And Horizontal
I want to build a custom gallery. a 2d Dimension gallery , user can swiping
page vertical and horizontal. i store information like a 2d map, each page
1 year ago